11/28/2024 | Hurricane Milton has nothing on Roscoe's Chili Challenge! Yes, there was extensive damage to the RCC grounds, but thanks to scores of volunteers, the grounds were ready for yet another great Roscoe's! We've just uploaded almost 850 new pics from RCC 2024! |
12/10/2023 | Thanks to Chopper Dave of www.HouseofChoppersNation.com, we've just uploaded another 524 Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2023 pics! |
12/01/2023 | Another great Roscoe's Chili Challenge in the books! We just uploaded almost 1000 photos, with more getting ready to upload! Enjoy, and make sure to plan on attending RCC 2024! |
09/15/2023 | Whew! Thought we'd lost Chopper Dave's pics from Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2022... well, we did, but just found them! Check out his gallery of another almost 700 photos from RCC 2023! You can also check his other pics out here: www.HouseofChoppersNation.com! |
12/23/22 | Merry Christmas everyone! Thought we'd give a heads up on a TON of new photos on the way. Jack H, a photographer friend of ours and the owner of the great website www.BikerMemories.com has decided to retire, and has offered all the website's content and domain for us to host on www.IfIhavetoexplain.com! Keep a watch for some new galleries from the Harley Rendezvous and many more events! Thanks Jack! |
11/11/22 | Happy Veterans' Day; the first gallery of 2022 Roscoe's Chili Challenge are up! Aalmost 1200 ADULT pics of the ol' school biker fun! Lucky for you (not so much for me), I got to play hookie from the job due to shoulder surgery... meaning I had an extra day with nothing to do but website work! Enjoy the pics, and make plans on coming to RCC 2023! |
10/28/22 | Just about the eve of Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2022 and.... we've just uploaded Chopper Dave's 2021 Pics!!! Almost 700 HOT pics! |
11/21/21 |
SORRY ALL! Apparently we've been uploading event pictures and not listing theme here! :( There's been a TON of photos uploaded since our last note below! Additoinally, we've just uploaded 1,200 photos from 2021 Roscoe's Chili Challenge! |
11/16/18 |
Uploading 1,400 BRAND NEW photos from Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2018 right now! PLUS, another 400+ pics from RCC 2018 coming soon! We're also asking all that have accounts here to please log on and verify your email address; last email blast we sent out had 900 bad email addresses, so those folks never knew about the photos we uploaded! Check your email address for us! ~ Lockdown & ladyharley |
09/06/18 | Just uploaded over 1,000 pics from the 2018 Easyriders Chillicothe and Fowlerville Rodeos (thanks Biker Jim) |
11/08/17 |
Sooo... were YOU at the Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2017 last weekend? If you were, you KNOW what a great time it was all weekend! Great chili, great music, fun biker games, and tons of hot chicks.... uumm... ok, well, there were many very pretty ladies present! Whether you made RCC 2017 or not, we've just uploaded over 1,600 photos taken by us and Biker Jim for you to check out!... BTW, many are NSFW (Note Safe For Work) viewing!!! ;) |
10/18/17 |
Sorry for the delay all; Hurricane Irma kept us from having TV and internet until this weekend. Thanks to Jack Humphreys for passing on some of the great pics Rick Kline took at the 2016 Harley Rendezvous, and once again, Biker Jim for a new set of photos from last year's Roscoe's Chili Challenge, we've just uploaded almost 700 new photos! Enjoy!! |
08/26/17 |
Hey all! As it's Easyrider's Rodeo month, we've just uploaded a bunch of photos from the 2016, 2015 & 2014 Fowlerville, MI Easyriders Rodeo... plus, an more from the 2015 Chillicothe Easyriders Rodeo! Almost 1000 more pics now up! Enjoy!! |
08/13/17 |
Happy Sunday all (we'd say happy Monday, but we all know that's just crazy talk)... We just uploaded more than 600 photos from a few years' Sturgis Rally! |
08/06/17 |
Sooo, after a fun night out with a group of local friends, we decided to hang in on Sunday... and upload more photo from biker rallies! We just posted over ONE THOUSANDS PICTURES from Biketoberfest 2001 (Jack Humphries) , 2004 (Lockdown & ladyharley), Harley Rendezvous 2008 (from RendezvousMemories [thanks Jack!], GJH and Hape2CYou), Easyriders Rodeo Tour 2007 and Plummer River Rally 2014 (Biker Jim)! STILL MORE TO COME! |
08/05/17 |
Thanks again to Biker Jim, and this time Zeek too, we just uploaded another almost 250 pics from the Easyriders Rodeos in Chillicoate (2012), Wilson, NC (2008), and Fowlerville, OH (2007)! Much more to come! |
08/01/17 |
We've just uploaded more than 350 photos; pics from the Easyriders Rodeo Tour 2010 in Chillcothe, OH and the 2009 Rodeo in Chillcothe, OH and Fowlerville, MI! Much more to come! NOTE: If you're having problems logging in to your account to see the protected pics (some very adult!), click the RESET PASSWORD link HERE Once you reset your password you shoudl be able to log in without a problem. |
07/23/17 |
Thanks (again!) to Biker Jim; over 600 more photos just uploaded to www.ifIhavetoexplain.com! Almost 100 pics from Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2014, almost 200 pics from the 2011 Easyriders Rodeo in Chillicothe, OH and 320 photos from the 2015 Easyriders Rodeo in Chillicothe! More to come including pics from Roscoe's Chili Challenge, Easyriders Rodeo, Plummers River Rally, and STURGIS! BTW, some of these pics would DEFINITELY get you in Facebook jail if posted there! ;) |
07/14/17 |
Just uploaded 250 pics from the 2014 Easyriders Rodeo in Chillicothe, OH, thanks to Biker Jim! He got us a ton of pics from various Easyrider Rodeos; we'll be putting up hundreds, if not thousands more soon! Plus, when I have the time, an old friend, one of the photographers of the many biker events, has passed on his 100's of disks of pics to us... tons and tons of pictures (he recently retired his website). Jack, we'll make sure your photos are still out here and we know everyone wants to see them! More on this to come soon! |
07/13/17 |
As I said a few days back, we have a TON of photos from Biker Jim of the Easyriders Rodeos! I just uploaded about 350 more from the Easyriders Rodeo 2013 in OH & MI, plus some from the Rodeo in MI! Still have more to go; hopefully in the next few days! |
07/11/17 |
Just uploaded 250 pics from the 2014 Easyriders Rodeo in Chillicothe, OH, thanks to Biker Jim! He got us a ton of pics from various Easyrider Rodeos; we'll be putting up hundreds, if not thousands more soon! |
07/08/17 |
We're Back! We had to update some software (still working kinks out), and now we'll be able to again host those photos that would send you to Facebook jail (hahahaha)! We've just uploaded almost 900 photos from Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2016; if you have a bunch of photos from the last few Harely Rendezvous or any other biker even, let us know!! |
12/30/15 |
With our website's total recofiguration to be more mobile device friends, we've uploaded almost 1,500 photos from the 30th Aniversay of Roscoe's Chili Challenge, RCC 2015!!! Biker Jim also sent us FOUR YEARS' worth of EasyRiders Rodeo photos.... posting them soon!!! Common' in and let us know what you think of the new layout! |
6/30/15 |
Almost 600 pics of Harley Rendezvous 2015 now POSTED!!! |
11/18/14 |
1st batch of Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2014 photos are up! Enjoy the 930 pics; we have more coming! |
08/17/14 |
Sooo, a few months after the 2014 Vous, but we just posted over 2000 photos, with a bunch more being processed to go up soon! |
12/24/13 |
The RCC 2013 first batch of photos (1,200+ of them) are now UP!!! Enjoy, and have a Merry Christmas!! |
11/16/13 |
What a great time Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2013 was last week!!! While we're preping the almost 1500 pics we took, check out a 'new' batch of RCC 2011 photos from Doug! Thanks for the 350+ pics! |
8/2/13 |
We've just uploaded the 4th set of Harley Rendezvous 2013 photos! Thanks SlimJim for the 600+ pics you sent in!! |
7/10/13 |
3rd set of 2013 Vous pics ready for y'all! Almost 600 pics! |
7/2/13 |
The 2nd set of 2013 Rendezvous photos are now up!!! Almost 400 pics to enjoy! |
6/27/13 |
The 2013 Vous is over, but the memories will remain; just uploaded 1,810 photos, with more already being prepped to go online!!! |
6/13/13 |
Vous 2013 is almost here! Remember last year's Vous? We just posted another 300+ pics to help you! |
6/5/13 |
With the 2013 Harley Rendezvous in just a few weeks, here's another 100+ pics from the 2011 Vous! |
11/11/12 |
Thanks to Nytryder, just uploaded another 631 photos from Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2012! |
11/6/12 |
Since you all went out to vote today (regardless of the outcome), here's your present: almost 1000 BRAND NEW PHOTOS from Roscoe's Chili Challenge last weekend!!! |
6/28/12 |
SECOND SET OF 2012 VOUS PHOTOS ARE UP!!! 1670 pictures to now up to check out one of the best biker parties out there! |
6/26/12 |
FIRST SET OF 2012 VOUS PHOTOS ARE UP!! Mad Dog's photos are up; more to come later this week! |
6/24/12 |
Back from the 2012 Harley Rendezvous!! We took about 1600 pictures, already have about 185 more from Mad Dog, PLUS, he gave us a CD of his 2011 Harley Rendezvous photos! All this will be up early in the week once we get back to Florida! |
11/13/11 |
Just uploaded another 600+ photos just sent in to us... Thanks Lady Devon!!! |
11/8/11 |
Back from 2011 Roscoe's Chili Challenge!! Another great party... Check out theh 1,700+ photos just uploaded! |
10/12/11 |
Just got back from ABATE of FL's Hillsborough Chapter's Spooks N' Scoots; was a great time, pics to come... While we were there, HDGene gave us about 650 pics from the 2010 Roscoe's Chili Challenge! They're a great warmup for the RCC in a few weeks! |
9/28/11 |
In preparation for the 2011 Roscoe's Chili Challenge, we just put up another 190 pics from RCC 2010, thanks to Roscoe himself and Jack from Roscoesmemories.com! |
9/1/11 |
On September 11, 2001 terrorists attacked the United States of America and created one of the most defining moments in U.S. history since the attacks on Pearl Harbor. The photographs here were taken at Ground Zero in NY City two months after the attacks on the World Trade Center by Lockdown and others sent there to help. Sept. 11, 2011, will be the 10th anniversary since the America people were attacked. Take few minutes to remember back to the time when America felt safe from outsiders, and regardless of political correctness, we must NEVER FORGET the attacks of 9/11/01 and what they mean to America as a country and a way of life. |
7/25/11 |
SuWilbur strikes again! They just sent us another batch of pics, about 200 of them, from the 2008, 2009 and 2010 Harley Rendezvous! |
7/2/11 |
Second batch of pics from the 2011 Rendezvous now up! Thanks to SuWilbur; they bring us another 341 photos for y'all to check out. |
6/30/11 |
What a GREAT time the 2011 Harley Rendezvous in NY was! Sure it rained... sure there was a TON of mud, but you'll see in the 2300 pics we just uploaded, we had a BLAST! |
5/24/11 |
Thanks to Roscoe'sMemories.com, we just added 570 photos from the 2009 Roscoe's Chili Challenge... the full, unedited pics! |
5/19/11 |
Just uploaded our 3rd batch of photos from the Party in the Pasture/Old School Bikers' Rodeo in Brooksville, FL. This batch has 775 pics! ALSO, apparently, we forgot to activate the link to the photos taken at the 2008 Easyriders's Rodeo in NC (sorry Zeek)... check 'em out! |
3/24/11 |
Spreadshirt, our shirt supplier is having a sale until 4/4/11... check you account's newsletter history for details! |
2/1/11 |
Working on getting some more pics up! Check back soon! |
12/25/10 |
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! As a present to our members, we've just added another 172 photos from Maddog at the Harley Rendezvous 2009. |
12/15/10 |
3rd Batch of Roscoe's Chili Challenge pics now up.... another 180 photos! |
11/15/10 |
2nd Batch of Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2010 pics now up! 568 pics! |
11/11/10 |
1st Batch of Roscoe's Chili Challenge 2010 uploaded; 959 pics! |
11/1/10 |
1st Batch of Spooks N' Scoots 2010; 214 pictures added! |
Our site already had over 25,000 photos when we started this list...